Intaglio is a technique in which metal sheets (copper or zinc) are used as a mold to be printed on. Here, the mold is prepared by scraping the places where paint is desired with special rimmed tips or by etching the metal with chemical methods. The paint is filled into the pits on the metal mold with buffers. The pre-wetted paper, which has become soft, is put on the dyed mold and passed through the intaglio press. Thus, the printmaking is completed when the dye in the hollow areas passes onto the paper.
Albrecht DÜRER, REMBRANDT, Francisco de GOYA, Edouart MANET, Henri MATİSSE and from our country Mürşide İÇMELİ, Fevzi KARAKOÇ, Ergin İNAN, Hayati MİSMAN, Aydın AYAN and Hasip PEKTAŞ are the names that come to mind.